The Racing Madness Wiki

Selecting "Cruise" on Race Selection screen

Get ready to take a Cruise through the windy city. See all the sights in the beautiful city of Chicago!

Cruise is a free driving mode without any racing. Players can explore the city at their own pace and can customize the weather and the density settings of traffic, cops, and pedestrians.

Locations in Chicago

Special Landmarks

Customizable Settings

Bonus Features


Cruise Openings

  • Now would be a great time to explore every nook and crany of this theming metropolis. 
  • Get ready to take a Cruise through the windy city. See all the sights in the beautiful city of Chicago!
  • Now is your change to check out the city of Chicago without pesky opponents or ticking timers. Where do you wanna go? What'a gonna do?
  • Here is your chance to check out your vehicle and the enviornment to see exactly what you got!